Download Reign of Dragons 0.2.0 - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Reign of Dragons 0.2.0
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1594 - Published at: 4 years ago


Reign of Dragons Brings the Fantasy of Dragons INSPIRED in Game of Thrones and Ice and Fire to minecraft bedrock, with this add-on you will be able to fight wild Dragons, steal Dragon eggs and chocoos, you can also create your own Dragon and fight other Dragons , don’t forget to mine Valyrian steel as it is very resistant.

Addon By: HardLove

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Fire Dragons are magical and wild creatures that inhabit Overworld. They are known for their flight and very powerful blasts of fire that can destroy almost anything, they are also very territorial and have 4 types of attacks in the wild version and can simply kill the player at any time, moreover the bigger the dragon size harder to end it.

Species variations:

Ice Dragons are magical and wild creatures that inhabit Overworld. They are known for flying and very powerful magic ice bursts that can destroy anything up to bedrock, they are also very territorial and have 4 types of attacks in the wild version and can just kill the player at any time, moreover the bigger the size of the most difficult dragon to finish him off.

Species variations:

Fire dragon eggs are essential if the player wants to have his own dragon, for chocalos you have to put them in the fire and wait for 15 minutes.

Ice dragon eggs are essential if the player wants to have their own dragon, for chocalos you have to put them in the water and then the water will turn to ice and wait for 15 minutes.

Dragons that hatch from the egg the player hatched can be domesticated and cured with raw meat and can accelerate the growth process with a meat block

meat block: can be created with 9 meats

to release fire or ice, the player must be mounted and “consume” the item Dracarys.


Dragons’ nests are very suggestive, basically it is the place where dragons and dragon eggs can be found, whether of ice or fire.


Dracarys are essential items if the player wants to fire fire or ice from the mounted dragons, despite being 3 items one completes the other.

dragon scales are the drops that dragons drop when they die.

Scale armor can be made from scales, these armor are equivalent to Netherite with the knockback protection double.

Valyrian steel is equivalent to double iron ie more durability.

Battle axes are twice that of conventional axes and are essential for killing dragons.

Video I recorded


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