Download Magent And Pagent Add-on (1.8+ Only) - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: Magent And Pagent Add-on (1.8+ Only)
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1048 - Published at: 5 years ago


This Add-On implemented two new custom entities which is the Magent and the Pagent. They are utility and neutral mobs that help or defend (not) hostile mobs such as the Villager. Note that this add-on is a test. The full release is yet to be confirmed! Well, we need 4.5 rating and up!

Thanks to the Agent in Minecraft: Education Edition, we made this Add-On not just for entertaining, education purposes, but also can be made for dedication! See the changelog for more info about this new release!

Creator: Zarkmend_ZAN
Updated: 11 November, 2018 (read changelog)

How does it work?

This add-on actually adds vast amount entities, but the main entities are Magent (Blue-Purple Agent Colored Mob) and Pagent (Pink Agent Colored Mob). Try to use /summon command for summoning it!

They function like a normal entity, but we will try to make it more useful in the future, but now try to have this add-on and the Magent and Pagent will be happy!

Entities that is featured:

1. Magent: They are boy-like variant that use melee attacks. Comes with a baby variant. Their names will be always visible, even trough walls. In Creative mode, there is a spawn egg that has a blue-purple color (v1.8.0.13). When spawned, it sometimes holding any kind of sword, and a trident (Main hand). On their offhand, they sometimes hold Map or Totem Of Undying. If killed, they will drop 3 to 11 xps. They also spawned after trusted from being a strayed (By feeding them cooked cod or cooked salmon).

They have a 1% spawn naturally in the surface and 20% in underground (Example cave). To tame the entity, it needs to be trusted by feeding it cooked cod or cooked salmon. When tamed, they function like wolves and defends their owner from being attacked. It is also can sleep with their owner, and affected by insomnia* (2 days without sleeping with its owner). When slept, they will drop items to their owner such as: Emeralds (3 to 6 drops, 25% drop chance), Bamboo (10% drop chance), Redstone dust (2 to 4 drops, 20% drop chance), Totem Of Undying (15% drop chance), Lead (5% drop chance), Shears (5% drop chance), String (15% drop chance), and Phantom Membrane (5% drop chance). When they slept with their owner, the item drop multiplier increased!

They are only breathe in water as this, tamed Magents can be fed kelp and dried kelp to apply them the Water Breathing effect for 8 and 4 minutes. If you insist of trying to breed them, make sure you have any tamed Pagents to mate. Give them cooked chicken to make they enter love mode. When breed, it sometimes spawns Pagent or Magent and has a extra breeding chance. Can also be spawned through summon command by typing entity:new_magent (v1.8.0.13).

2. Pagent: They are girl-like entities that use Pink colored Agent skin as we mentioned above. They mostly function like Magents, but they used ranged attacks and they use Bow and Arrow. In Creative mode, there is a spawn egg that has a pink-colored. Can also be spawned through summon command by typing entity:new_pagent (v1.8.0.13). When spawned, it holds crossbow in their main hand. On their offhand, they hold Arrow. If killed, they will drop 3 to 11 xps. When they slept with their owner, the item drop multiplier increased!

3. Strayed Magents: They are a stray version of Magents and have a darker texture of the Magents. You may need to trust them by feeding them cooked cod or cooked salmon to make them turn into normal Magents. They currently has no special behaviors, but in the future, we will make them as rebels.

Can be only spawned naturally and though the spawn-egg (v1.8.0.13). They may spawn in any biome that accepts animal tag. In summon command, typing entity:new magent_strayed will spawn them (v1.8.0.13).

4. Strayed Pagents:

They are a stray version of Pagents and have a darker texture of the Pagents. You may need to trust them by feeding them cooked cod or cooked salmon to make them turn into normal Pagents. They currently has no special behaviors, but in the future, we will make them as rebels. Can be spawned naturally and through the spawn-egg. They may spawn in any biome that accepts animal tag. In summon command, typing entity:new_pagent_strayed will spawn them.

Summoning our abandoned entities (For users who still use v1.8.0.8 – v1.8.0.11):

  1. Legacy Magent: Currently can be spawned by /summon command by typing ‘entity:magent’. In the v1.8.0.13, the models aren’t render properly.
  2. Legacy Pagent: Currently can be spawned by /summon command by typing ‘entity:pagent’. In the v1.8.0.13, the models aren’t render properly.
  3. Strayed Versions Of Magents and Pagents: Currently can be spawned by /summon command by typing ‘entity:magent_strayed’ for Legacy Strayed Magent, and typing ‘entity:pagent_strayed’ for Legacy Strayed Pagent. In the v1.8.0.13, the models aren’t render properly.


  • Updated our add-on format to support the final beta v1.8.0.14! As of this, this add-on longer works or loaded for users who used v1.8.0.8 to v1.8.0.13.
  • Pagent now has a rare chance to spawn with holding a fireworks rocket in their offhand.
  • Now we implemented our long project entity, the Agent Worker! Can be summoned by using the /summon command with ‘entity:’ prefix and type ‘new_the_agent_worker’ or by through the spawn egg in the creative ui. Actually we don’t have official name for these entities, but you can suggest what our new entity will be named!
  • The Agent Worker has no behaviors that we wanted yet, but they are passive until you hit them three times and have three states! The states are Okay, Upset, and Angry!
  • Fixed Magents and Pagents hand rotation when hold items.
  • Magents and Pagents once again could walk properly.
  • Fixed Add-On documentation not showing Add-On Entities information.
  • Fixed weird behaviours occurred when Pagent has a target.
  • Removed our abandon entities. (The one that we explained on pre-1.
  • Fixed Lightning Bolt Summoner’s projectile position.
  • The third pre-release? Soon, it will be official!


NOTE: This Add-On requires ‘Experimental Gameplay’ (EX) turned on in world settings!

  1. Download Resources & Behaviors .McAddon
  2. Apply the packs for a world
  3. Create the world

